Showing posts with label Word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Word. Show all posts

Sunday, October 4, 2015

How to Get Text Files on an iPad

Browse the App Store on your iPad and choose an app to use for your text-file needs. The iPad's native software supports viewing many types of text files, including plain text, rich text and Word documents. However, these files are read-only and have no folder-style file management to organize them. Look for an app that has folder management and iTunes file transfer support.
Download and install the app onto your iPad.
Plug your iPad's sync cable into the iPad and into the computer where the text files are stored.
Launch iTunes on the computer and wait for it to recognize your iPad.
Click your iPad under the 'Devices' menu in iTunes and then choose 'Apps' and move down until you see the file-sharing area on the screen.
Click the app you downloaded for your text files where it appears in the file-sharing area, not in the main app listings. A file area will appear next to it.
Drag and drop your text files into the file area in iTunes. Click 'Apply' and then 'Sync' -- or just 'Sync,' if that option is available -- after all files are in the sharing area. Allow your iPad to fully sync with the computer and then disconnect it and open your text-file app. Your text files will be stored within this app on the iPad.
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Saturday, October 3, 2015

How to Make a File in a MacBook

Click an application's icon in the Dock of your MacBook to launch it. For example, click the 'TextEdit' icon to launch Apple's free word-processing application.
Click 'File' from the application menu.
Click 'New' to create a new file. If you are using TextEdit, for example, a new blank document appears. In some applications, you make a new file by clicking 'File' and then clicking a 'New' command that has a name such as 'New Document' or 'New Project.'
Click 'File,' and then click 'Save.' A dialog box appears. Type a name for the file in the 'Save As' box, then click a folder on your MacBook where you want to save the file, and then click 'Save.'
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How to Save Documents on a Mac Computer (4 Steps)

Launch your word processing program by clicking it on the dock. Click the 'Applications' folder on the dock if your word processing program is not on the dock. Select your word processing program from the Applications folder and double-click its icon to open.
Type and format your document. Click the 'File' menu located on the top and click 'Save' to launch the file-saving dialog box.
Type the name you want to give your document in the 'Save as' box. Select the folder you want to save the document in from the 'Where' box.
Select the format you want to save the document in from the 'File format' box. Click 'Save' to save your document.
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How to Export Highlights From an iBook

Launch the iBooks app and tap on the book or document with the highlighted material that you want to export.
Navigate to the page with the highlighted material and tap the highlighted passage to view the highlight and note menu options. If you haven't yet highlighted the passage, double-tap a word in the section that you want to highlight, and then drag the grab points around the section of text you want to highlight. Tap 'Highlight' to highlight the text.
Touch the square icon with an arrow pointing up to view the sharing options. You can send the highlighted text as a text message, email, tweet or Facebook post.
Tap the icon of the method you want to use to export your highlight. Fill in any necessary information, such as the recipient's name or email address, and then tap 'Send' or 'Post.' You must link your Twitter or Facebook account to your iPad or iPhone if you want to export your highlighted material to those platforms.
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Monday, September 21, 2015

How to Make a Magazine iPad App

Research existing magazine apps available for the iPad on the App Store. Download as many as possible, and take note of layout techniques, types of articles and any multimedia content the publisher is using.
Plan your iPad magazine app exactly as you would plan a print and paper version, taking into account the benefits and styles observed in the digital magazine apps you have researched. Create a page-by-page plan with rough sketches of how the content will be displayed, its location on the iPad's screen and how the reader will move between pages. This is known as a flat plan. It is not necessary to include the actual written content within the flat plan.
Gather the magazine's content in a word processing package such as Microsoft Word, Apple's Pages or Google Docs. Include the text only, with page breaks or separate documents for each article, feature or news item you intend to include within the magazine app. Include annotations to make clear exactly where each piece of content will fit into the flat plan.
Gather together any illustrations, images, photos or multimedia content that will support the magazine app's written content. Clearly identify where each piece of illustration will fit within the layout on your flat plan.
Take your flat plan and content to an approved iPad developer. Spend some time discussing your layout and operational requirements with the software developer, using your flat plan as a guide for how the magazine app will work. If required, make adjustments to the flat plan following the consultation with the developer.
Register as an Apple developer at the iOS Developer Program if you intend to build the magazine app yourself. As of the date of publication, registration requires a $99 fee. Once registered, download the iOS software development kit and the iPad Programming Guide and begin building your magazine app.
Distribute the magazine app to a small number of trusted iPad owners to test it. Gather feedback and bug reports from the testers, and make adjustments to the layout, operation and content as required. If there is available time and money, send the magazine out to the testers once again after initial feedback has been applied to the app. This should be carried out whether you create the app yourself, or hire a software developer to build it for you.
Submit your magazine app to Apple for approval and distribution. If you hired a developer, they may be in a better position to submit the app to Apple for you. Approval typically takes up to two weeks, after which the magazine app will be available to download from the App Store to the iPad.
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Thursday, September 3, 2015

How to Reject iPhone Autocorrect Suggestions

Open any typing application on your iPhone, such as your messaging service.
Type the word for which you want to reject auto-correct suggestions. A suggested word appears below your typed word. Notice the 'X' icon to the right of the suggested word.
Tap the 'X' icon to the right of the suggested word to reject the correction.
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