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Showing posts with label written. Show all posts

Monday, September 21, 2015

How to Make a Magazine iPad App

Research existing magazine apps available for the iPad on the App Store. Download as many as possible, and take note of layout techniques, types of articles and any multimedia content the publisher is using.
Plan your iPad magazine app exactly as you would plan a print and paper version, taking into account the benefits and styles observed in the digital magazine apps you have researched. Create a page-by-page plan with rough sketches of how the content will be displayed, its location on the iPad's screen and how the reader will move between pages. This is known as a flat plan. It is not necessary to include the actual written content within the flat plan.
Gather the magazine's content in a word processing package such as Microsoft Word, Apple's Pages or Google Docs. Include the text only, with page breaks or separate documents for each article, feature or news item you intend to include within the magazine app. Include annotations to make clear exactly where each piece of content will fit into the flat plan.
Gather together any illustrations, images, photos or multimedia content that will support the magazine app's written content. Clearly identify where each piece of illustration will fit within the layout on your flat plan.
Take your flat plan and content to an approved iPad developer. Spend some time discussing your layout and operational requirements with the software developer, using your flat plan as a guide for how the magazine app will work. If required, make adjustments to the flat plan following the consultation with the developer.
Register as an Apple developer at the iOS Developer Program if you intend to build the magazine app yourself. As of the date of publication, registration requires a $99 fee. Once registered, download the iOS software development kit and the iPad Programming Guide and begin building your magazine app.
Distribute the magazine app to a small number of trusted iPad owners to test it. Gather feedback and bug reports from the testers, and make adjustments to the layout, operation and content as required. If there is available time and money, send the magazine out to the testers once again after initial feedback has been applied to the app. This should be carried out whether you create the app yourself, or hire a software developer to build it for you.
Submit your magazine app to Apple for approval and distribution. If you hired a developer, they may be in a better position to submit the app to Apple for you. Approval typically takes up to two weeks, after which the magazine app will be available to download from the App Store to the iPad.
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Thursday, September 3, 2015

The MacBook Superdrive Won't Burn

Verify that the CD is a CD_R, DVD-R, or CD-RW disc. This information will be printed on the disc. If iTunes indicates the disc is already written to, try another blank disc.
Check the underside of the disc for dust and dirt.
Gently wipe off the bottom of the disc with a soft cloth and try the disc again. If you notice excessive scratches on the disc, try a new blank disc.
Press the 'Eject' key on the top-right of the keyboard and hold it down to verify a disc is not already in the drive.
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