Sunday, October 4, 2015

How to Get Text Files on an iPad

Browse the App Store on your iPad and choose an app to use for your text-file needs. The iPad's native software supports viewing many types of text files, including plain text, rich text and Word documents. However, these files are read-only and have no folder-style file management to organize them. Look for an app that has folder management and iTunes file transfer support.
Download and install the app onto your iPad.
Plug your iPad's sync cable into the iPad and into the computer where the text files are stored.
Launch iTunes on the computer and wait for it to recognize your iPad.
Click your iPad under the 'Devices' menu in iTunes and then choose 'Apps' and move down until you see the file-sharing area on the screen.
Click the app you downloaded for your text files where it appears in the file-sharing area, not in the main app listings. A file area will appear next to it.
Drag and drop your text files into the file area in iTunes. Click 'Apply' and then 'Sync' -- or just 'Sync,' if that option is available -- after all files are in the sharing area. Allow your iPad to fully sync with the computer and then disconnect it and open your text-file app. Your text files will be stored within this app on the iPad.
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