Monday, September 7, 2015

How to Run Dual Monitors with Your MacBook (6 Steps)

Get all of the supplies you will need. Don't worry, not to much. You will need a monitor with DVI input(i have a 19' Dell), a DVI cable to hook to the Mini DVI adapter you will need. Amazon sells these adapters for about $20.
Turn on your MacBook. On the MacBook's left side, you will see a slot that looks like an IO emblem (the O is more square). That is the Mini DVI port to plug your adapter into. Plug it in!
Hook the DVI cable into the other end and then connect that to your second monitor.
Plug in and power up that monitor - your MacBook with automatically recognize it. Don't you love your Mac?
Go to your system preferences and then 'Monitors.' Under the 'arrangement' tab you can orient how the two monitors interact with each other. You can also select which is the dominant monitor with the dock and primary opening of applications. Configure your settings as you like.
Sit back and enjoy! You now have drastically increased your monitor space, allowing you to use both monitors for ultimate productivity. Awesome!
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