Monday, September 14, 2015

How to Use a Projector With a Macbook Pro

Determine the input capabilities of the project. Many projectors only accept analog VGA connections. Digital HDMI or DVI connections are preferred.
Acquire a Mini DisplayPort adapter. One end of the adapter requires a male Mini DisplayPort connector. The other end of the adapter requires the same connection type as the projector, such as HDMI, DVI or VGA.
Connect one end of the HDMI, DVI or VGA cable to the projector.
Power on the projector and wait for it to warm up.
Connect the other end of the cable to the Mini DisplayPort adapter.
Power on the MacBook Pro and wait for it to finish booting.
Insert the Mini DisplayPort adapter with the connected cable into the Mini DisplayPort connector on the MacBook Pro. The projector is detected and configured automatically.
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