Showing posts with label document. Show all posts
Showing posts with label document. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How to Change the Size of a Slide on Keynote

Open a new or existing Keynote presentation.
Click on the blue 'Inspector' button in the toolbar. Click the 'Document' pane then click the 'Document' button.
Click the 'Slide size' pull-down menu at the bottom of the window. Select the desired slide size from the pre-sets or click 'Custom Slide Size' to enter the desired width and height in pixels. Click 'OK' to confirm the size.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How to Create iBooks

Review the ePUB formating specifications. iBooks must adhere to a set of design rules collectively know as the ePUB specifications. These specifications are propagated by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) and are available for viewing at the IDPF website. Knowing these specifications will provide insight into the advanced capabilities of electronic documents such as the ability to integrate multimedia presentations with the text and text-to-speech functionality.
Write and design your document. You can use traditional publication design platforms such as Adobe's popular inDesign software, Microsoft's Publisher offering or the open-source Open Office platform.
Save your document in ePUB format. Several publishing platforms are enabled with ePUB formatting capabilities. The save-as-ePUB functionality is included with Adobe's inDesgn, Apple's Pages word processing application for iPad and the Atlantis Word Processor for the PC . There are also a number of conversion utilities available on the Internet that can convert documents into ePUB format. These utilities are useful if you design your book in a software that does not save according to ePUB format.
Apply for your International Standard Book Number (ISBN). Apple requires you to have a valid ISBN number for each book to be distributed through the iTunes store. This is the thirteen-digit number that will identify your book. One group per county is designated to award these numbers. In the United States, the R.R. Broker LLC group is the organization through which you must order your ISBN.
Apply for placement in the iTunes store. As part of the application process you must provide a tax id or social security number for tax purpose and your publication's ISBN.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

How to Convert a PDF to an eBook Format (3 Steps)

Go online and navigate to ePub2Go. Select 'Choose File,' then locate and select your PDF. Select 'Open,' then click 'Upload PDF.' The free website will now convert your PDF into an ePub document, ready for use with ebook readers.
Navigate to is also a free website but it allows a little more customization for your converted file. Click 'Choose File,' then locate and select your PDF file for conversion. Choose your ebook reader from the drop-down menu and enter the 'Title' and 'Author.' You can also add a 'border,' if you like. Click 'Convert file' once you are done, wait for the conversion to take place and the download to begin.
Navigate to ePub Bud. This is a free website that allows you to share your ebooks once you have created them. Click 'Choose File,' then locate and select your PDF. Click 'Open' and then wait for the ebook to be created and the download to begin. If you wish, you can set up an account with ePub Bud, and you can also share the download link with your friends.
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Sunday, October 18, 2015

How to Zoom With a MacBook Pro Trackpad (3 Steps)

Use two fingers to touch the trackpad. The MacBook Pro trackpad makes manipulating documents and applications easy, but three fingers and four fingers have other functions. To zoom in, you need only two fingers.
Zoom in on the current document by pinching outward on the trackpad with the either two fingers, or your thumb and forefinger. Zoom back out by pinching inward.
Modify your trackpad preferences if you find the trackpad too sensitive to your touch or not sensitive enough. Select 'System Preferences,' and then select 'Trackpad' from the Hardware options. Click the 'Point & Click' tab to modify the speed of response to your hand movements. Select 'Scroll & Zoom' to disable the zoom feature.
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Friday, October 16, 2015

How to Clean Up Your MacBook System

Launch your disk inventory utility (Disk Inventory X, GrandPerspective or WhatSize -- all are freeware or shareware) to see a visualization of the files taking up space on your computer. Every bit of information on your drive is color-coded in this visualization. For instance, if you have a large music collection on your hard drive, these files will be indicated by large blocks of a solid color. Examining what takes up the most space on your drive can help you locate misplaced or unwanted files and determine what files can be moved to an external drive.
Connect a USB or Firewire external hard drive to your computer. Locate document and media files that you do not frequently use on the computer. Photos, music and videos are ideal candidates to store on an external hard drive. These files can be accessed anytime the drive is connected. Do not copy system or program files. For example, computer games may take up a large amount of space on your hard drive, but these files would need to be physically installed on the drive. Even then, running the game from the external drive would significantly decrease performance speeds.
Organize your system folders, primarily the Downloads and Documents folders. Click the asterisk button in the Finder window to create new subfolders and assign easily remembered titles to them. Drag and drop files into these new folders instead of storing a mixed bag of media in your Downloads folder. Many files downloaded from the Internet are automatically copied from the browser to your Downloads folder, however, so you may have a picture or an email attachment that was stored on your drive even though you only viewed it the first time you opened it. By default, the Mac operating system keeps your important system files together in a separate folder away from your personal and regularly accessed media. Do not try to copy and relocate system files.
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Monday, October 12, 2015

How to Highlight All on a Mac

Open the item, document, file or window in which you want to select everything.
Select any item in the window. For example, if selecting music, click any song; if selecting files, click any one file; or if selecting text, click anywhere in the text document.
Select 'Edit' from the top menu bar, then select 'Select All.' Alternatively, hold the 'Command' key -- sometimes called the 'Apple' key -- and the letter 'A' at the same time to select all.
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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How to Sell Fiction eBooks

Research the ebook retailers who carry fiction ebooks. Go to their websites to see which formats they support (such as PDF, Kindle, Microsoft Reader, and so forth). Also try to find the site’s “publishers” page. Many ebook retailers use this page to outline their protocols for uploading new ebooks to their database.
Convert a copy of your fiction book to your chosen ebook format(s). There are services available which, sometimes for a fee, will convert your book to these formats for you. But learning how to do this yourself is not complicated. To convert to PDF, you need to purchase Adobe Creator (the free PDF converters you can download online do not have the feature flexibility needed to create a PDF document which will meet the standards set by some ebook retailers and distributors). To create an ebook in .lit format, you need to download a copy of “Microsoft Reader Content Software Development Kit.” The kit is available for free download. To convert to Kindle, create a copy of your book in HTML format; then upload this version of your book to Amazon’s “Digital Text Platform.” When you upload your book to the platform it will automatically be converted to the Kindle format.
Sign up for an account with an ebook distributor such as “Lightening Source.” While some ebook retails, like Amazon, allow publishers to upload their books to the retailer’s database directly; other retailers get their content exclusively from ebook distributors. Some ebook distributors charge a fee, but the cost is generally nominal.
Upload your fiction ebook to your select ebook retailers' or ebook distributors' databases. Once the book is approved and becomes live it will appear for sale on ebook retail websites.
Promote your ebook. It’s not enough to simply publish your fiction ebook. If you want the book to sell you have to promote it. Create an author’s or publisher’s website which promotes your projects. Invest in online ads. Use social networking sites to promote your books. Send out email sales letters. Be creative. The goal is to make people aware that your fiction ebook exists, and excite interest in it. Ebooks are a relatively new medium for books, which suggests that the door is wide open for innovative ways of marketing and promoting this type of product.
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Saturday, September 26, 2015

How to Delete Favorites on a Mac

Click the icon for your Finder from your dock. Click 'All My Files' from the displayed sidebar to open your Finder window.
Select the type of favorite you want to delete. For example, if you no longer need immediate access to a document, select 'Documents' from the left sidebar under 'Favorites.'
Highlight the link and press the 'Delete' key.
Remove an item from the listing of types of favorites in the sidebar by pressing the 'Command' key and dragging the item out of the sidebar.
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Thursday, September 17, 2015

How to Print From Apple TextEdit

Go to the 'Format' menu in TextEdit and select 'Wrap to Page' if you want the document to print in the font sizes you have selected. The document will reformat on the screen.
Click the 'TextEdit' menu and select 'Print.'
Set the 'Printer' menu to the desired printer. Press the 'Print' button to send the document to your printer.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How to Edit Documents on an iPad (7 Steps)

Browse the iPad App Store for an app that allows you to edit the type of documents you need. Specific word processing editors include Pages for iPad and Doc2, while spreadsheet editing apps include Numbers or Sheet2. For a full-service productivity suite, try Documents to Go, Quickoffice Connect or Office2 HD. All of these apps can open and edit common Microsoft Office document formats, as well as limited other formatted documents. Each app offers different features, so read the app descriptions carefully before making your purchase.
Download and install the app of your choice on your iPad. If you currently use a cloud sharing service, such as Dropbox, SugarSync, iDisk or Box dot Net, download and install that service's app as well. Cloud service apps are usually free for existing accounts or limited size new accounts.
Move the file you wish to edit onto your iPad, either by emailing it to yourself, transferring it through iTunes and syncing your iPad to your computer or by uploading it into your cloud storage account and then downloading it to the iPad.
Tap the file to open it in the iPad's basic preview mode, and then tap the 'Open in' button to send the file to the editor app you installed.
Edit your document using common iPad gestures, such as double-tapping to select a word and dragging the selection handles to modify the highlighted selection. Replace selections by typing over them or insert text by tapping in your preferred insertion spot, then typing your new text. Press and hold your finger on the text to get precise cursor insertion through the magnification feature.
Save your changes with the app's 'Save' feature. Some apps, such as Pages, automatically save your work with each change, so you do not have a manual save option.
Send the edited document via email or restore it to your cloud service by tapping the action button (a rectangle with a curved arrow) and making your selection.
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