Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How to Burn a CD on a Macbook (5 Steps)

Open the iTunes music program on your Macbook. If you don't have iTunes installed on your Macbook you can download it for free from Apple's website, apple.com (see Resources).
Insert the blank CD-R and wait until it is recognized in the iTunes library. You will see 'Blank CD' in the left column of the iTunes library.
Make a new playlist by dragging selected songs from the iTunes library into one of the blank folders in the 'Playlists' section in the left column.
Highlight the playlist and drag it to the blank CD icon. Most CD-R's won't hold more than 80 minutes of music, so make sure your playlist doesn't contain too many songs.
Click 'Burn Disc' in the lower right hand corner of the iTunes screen and after a moment you'll have a new burned CD.
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