Showing posts with label defaults. Show all posts
Showing posts with label defaults. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How to Use Remote Disk on a Macbook

Open “System Preferences” in the Apple menu. Select “Sharing” from the menu. Select “DVD or CD Sharing.”
Go to “Terminal” in the Utilities folder inside of your Applications folder.
Type the two command lines “defaults write EnableODiskBrowsing -bool true” and “defaults write ODSSupported -bool true.”
Restart your MacBook. Go to the Apple menu and press “Restart.”
Turn on “DVD or CD Sharing” on the Mac with which your MacBook is using Remote Disk. Turn it on as in Steps 1 to 3, and insert a disc into the optical drive.
Open “Network” in the Finder’s “Go” menu.
Choose the other Mac’s name from the list of available servers and press “Connect.” Type in the password and user name of the Mac whose optical drive you are sharing. Press “Connect.”
Choose the DVD or CD you want to play with Remote Disk. It will appear on your desktop. Click on it to play it.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How to Write Farsi on a Macintosh

Click the Apple menu and select 'System Preferences...' from the drop-down menu.
Select the 'Language & Region' option in System Preferences.
Click the '+' button, select the 'Persian' option and choose the 'Add' button.
Choose an option to determine the default language used on your system. If you select the 'Use Persian' option, then your entire system defaults to the Persian language. Mac OS X doesn't offer full support for Persian in all applications. If you want to continue to use your computer in English, select the 'Use English' button.
Click the 'Keyboard Preferences...' button and select the 'Persian' option from the sidebar. Check the keyboard layout preview. If you don't like the layout, click the '+' button and choose a different Persian keyboard layout from the list of options. When you make your selection, click the 'Add' button.
Select the option to 'Show Input Menu in Menu Bar' to make it easier to switch between keyboard layouts. When you want to switch between English, Persian and other languages, click the icon in the menu bar and select the desired language from the list.
Click the back arrow to return to the Language & Region window. Select the 'Advanced...' button. Set the formatting options for your computer. You can change the Format language for dates, times and numbers so that the computer uses Persian formatting conventions. You can also change the default currency and measurement units used by your computer. Click 'OK' to save your changes.
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