Showing posts with label Migration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Migration. Show all posts

Friday, October 23, 2015

How to Cancel Migration Assistant

Hold the 'Command' key and type 'Q' on the new Mac for five seconds until the program quits.
Hold the 'Command' key and type 'Q' on the old Mac for five seconds until the program quits on the old computer.
Press the power key and hold for five to 10 seconds on both computers to power down.
Turn the power on both computers to begin the Migration Assistant program a second time.
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Saturday, October 17, 2015

How to Connect Two Mac Laptops (5 Steps)

Plug the connection cable into both Mac laptop computers. If one of the computers you are using is a Macbook from 2008 or later, you will not be able to use a firewire connection. In this event, use an ethernet cable to connect the two laptops.
Open 'Migration Assistant' on both computers. To do this, open the 'Utilities' folder and locate 'Migration Assistant.'
Select which computer you would like to share data and which computer you would like to receive data. You will have to make your selection on both computers.
Enter the code provided to you on one of the computers. A numerical code will appear on one computer. Type this code into the other laptop computer to complete the connection.
Select the types of data you would like to transfer. There are several categories you can transfer including desktop, documents, applications and utilities.
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