Showing posts with label chimes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chimes. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Increasing Virtual Memory on a Mac

Reset your Mac's parameter random access memory (PRAM) and nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM). Press and hold the 'Command,' 'Option' and letters 'P' and 'R' on your Mac keyboard as you start the computer. Listen for the second set of chimes and release.
Free additional disk space on your boot volume. VM on a Mac requires free disk space on your startup disk. If your startup disk is nearly full, your Mac's performance will be degraded. Delete files you no longer need. Movies take up a lot of drive space, which makes them good candidates to delete.
Consider installing a larger hard drive in your Mac. If you cannot find enough files to delete on your boot drive, it may be time for a larger drive. It is best to consult with an expert or Apple Genius for this delicate process.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How to Change the Root Password in OS X

Insert the OS X install disk into the drive. Double-click on the 'Install Mac OS' icon in the disk window and click on the 'Restart' icon. Alternatively, insert the Mac OS X install disk into the drive, select 'Restart' from the Apple menu and hold down the 'C' key until you hear the start-up chimes.
Select your preferred language when prompted.
Locate the 'Utilities' menu from the menu bar and choose 'Password Reset' from the Utilities menu if you are installing Mac OS X v10.6 or later. Alternatively, choose 'Reset Password' from the 'Utilities' menu if you are installing Mac OS X v10.5 or v10.4 or 'Reset Password' from the 'Installer' menu if you are installing Mac OS X v10.3.
Click to highlight the hard drive for which you will be changing the password.
Select 'System Administrator,' which is the root user account. Change the password, then click 'Quit' from the 'Installer' menu.
Restart your Mac.
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