Showing posts with label Demo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Demo. Show all posts

Sunday, October 18, 2015

How to Listen to Pandora Over Airport Express

Launch a Web browser and navigate to
Click 'Download Now' to save the PandoraJam zip package to your computer.
Double-click the zip package to extract PandoraJam.
Double-click the PandoraJam application icon to launch the program.
Click 'Demo' to try the program. Purchasing the program will give you unlimited ripping and streaming access. PandoraJam costs $15 as of August 2011.
Click 'Create a new station' or select an existing radio station to begin Pandora streaming.
Click the 'Computer' drop-down menu and select 'Airport Express' to listen to Pandora using your Airport Express speakers.
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Thursday, September 3, 2015

How to Adjust iSight on MacBook Settings

Navigate to and download the iGlasses installer. If you do not want to purchase iGlasses for $9.95, you can download a free demo to test it out for seven days.
Double-click the ZIP file to open the iGlasses Installer or iGlasses Demo Installer. Double-click the installer icon.
Click “Install” and then click “Accept” to accept the iGlasses License Agreement. You must accept the License Agreement to install iGlasses on your MacBook.
Enter your MacBook administrator password when prompted by the installer and then click “OK.”
Click “Open iChat” after the installation is complete.
Select “Video” in the top menu bar and then select “Video Preview.” You will see a small window with your iGlasses settings.
Click the “Standard” tab in the iGlasses window to select a preset configuration.
Click the “Brightness” tab in the iGlasses window to select which settings you would like to change. iGlasses lets you adjust brightness, color, contrast, hue, saturation, sharpness, white balance, threshold and zoom.
Click the slider and move it to the left or right to adjust any of the settings.
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