Tuesday, October 20, 2015

How to Dry Out a Mac Book

Turn off the MacBook immediately after it gets wet and remove the power cord and any other cables attached to it.
Soak up any excess water on the computer as soon as possible with the paper towels.
Open the display and set it upside down on top of the paper towels. Roll a few paper towels into a ball and place them directly under the keyboard; this will help draw the water out of the computer.
Turn on the hair dryer and set the temperature to 'High' and the fan speed to 'Low.' Gently blow warm air to the underside of the MacBook to dry any residual liquid.
Leave the computer upside down overnight or for at least 24 hours to eliminate as much liquid as possible from the Macbook. Cross your fingers and turn on the Macbook after it has been left drying and hope you computer comes back to life.
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