Sunday, October 18, 2015

How to Apply Parental Controls on iPhone and iPod Touch

Turn on the iPhone or iPod touch and tap the 'Settings' icon on the home screen.
Select the 'General' option and then tap 'Restrictions.'
Press the 'Enable Restrictions' button. You are prompted to create and enter a 4-digit restrictions passcode twice. This is different from the passcode lock feature.
Configure the 'Allow' section first. Use the 'On/Off' sliders to the right of each listing to allow or disallow use of Safari, YouTube, Camera, FaceTime, iTunes, Ping, Installing Apps and Deleting Apps.
Select 'Location' in the 'Allow Changes' section where you can limit the mobile device's ability to report the child's location to applications. Tap 'Accounts' to stop or permit changes in Mail, Contact and Calendars.
Review the 'Allowed Content' section. Here you can turn In-App purchases on or off. You can allow or restrict explicit lyrics in music, control access to movies and television shows and limit apps to specific age groups. Additionally, you can restrict participation in the Game Center.
Press the 'Home' button under the display screen to return to the mobile device home screen. The restrictions remain in place until you turn them off in the 'Settings' menu.
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