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Showing posts with label entire. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How to Use TradeStation on a Mac

Download a cross platform software like Boot Camp. Boot Camp allows you to run Windows programs on a Mac, which is necessary for making TradeStation work with your Mac. Boot Camp is available for free online.
Install Boot Camp and Windows XP or Vista onto your computer. Boot Camp has a simple installation with Windows that walk you through the entire process. Select the output folder where you would like the Boot Camp folder to be placed and 'Install.' To install Windows XP or Windows Vista, follow the installation instructions that come with the software.
Download Internet Explorer. Explorer is the only browser that supports TradeStation.
Sign up for a TradeStation account. The complete application will take about 10 minutes. You will need to have your Social Security and driver's license numbers for the application.
Download the TradeStation platform. Once you sign up for your account, Trade Station will be available for you to download onto your computer. Just follow the prompts to download. The fee for the TradeStation platform runs around $100 per month.
Run your Mac as Windows. Once you have installed Boot Camp, you can run your Mac using either the Mac OS X operating system or Windows Vista or XP. TradeStation will run on any Windows system.
Use TradeStation just as you would use it on a Windows-based computer. When you get your TradeStation account, you will have access to all of the information and tutorials that you need to use TradeStation.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How to Stream Video in XCode (4 Steps)

Open the Xcode software on your desktop and open the project for your iPhone or iPad app. Double-click the code file you want to use to play the movie.
Set up the movie controller to display the video. The following code sets up the video variable and sets the video to fill the entire screen:MPMoviePlayerController* movie=[[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:''];
Replace the '' with the URL that contains the streaming video.
Play the video. Add the following code to play the movie:[movie play];
Release the movie control after the movie finishes playing. The iPhone or iPad automatically closes the movie, but you can use the following line of code to close the movie when the user clicks your interface button:[movie release];
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How to Charge My Mac Laptop Overseas (3 Steps)

Slide the male plug end of your Mac laptop AC power cord into the foreign adapter plug. The male end of a plug is the one with the prongs. Because the entire line of portable Macintosh devices includes an AC adapter that is dual-voltage ready, you will not need to use a converter.
Plug the power adapter into the Mac laptop.
Plug the male end of the foreign adapter plug into the wall outlet. The computer will now register that the battery is charging.
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Monday, September 14, 2015

How to Restore Mac Leopard 10.5 Without the Disk

Call Apple at 1-800-275-2273 or visit your nearest Apple store to have your install disks replaced. Apple may charge you a fee, but you cannot restore your computer without them.
Insert your install disks into your computer and double click the 'Install Max OS X' icon. Follow the on-screen instructions. Choose the drive on which you would like to install the operating system.
Choose between archiving your old system or erasing your computer's entire hard drive. If you erase the drive, you will permanently lose all the information you had on your computer, including photos, documents and applications. Archiving it will save your old files on the hard drive.
Decide what kind of installation you wish to perform. Apple recommends that you choose the basic install package. However, you can do a custom install if you want certain software put onto your computer.
Once completed, your computer should be ready to go. Turn it on and start working. If you erased all of your old data you will have to reinstall your third-party applications back onto your computer. Make sure you have those disks available.
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How to Remove All Documents Permanently From a MacBook Hard Drive Using Mac OS X

Open a new Finder window by clicking on the 'Finder' icon in the dock.
Highlight the 'Documents' directory from the 'Places' list on the left side of the window.
Drag and drop the entire 'Documents' directory to the 'Trash' icon at the far right end of the dock.
Open the 'Finder' menu at the top of the screen and choose the 'Secure Empty Trash' option.
Click 'OK' to confirm your decision to permanently delete the data in the Documents folder from your MacBook's hard drive.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How to Write Farsi on a Macintosh

Click the Apple menu and select 'System Preferences...' from the drop-down menu.
Select the 'Language & Region' option in System Preferences.
Click the '+' button, select the 'Persian' option and choose the 'Add' button.
Choose an option to determine the default language used on your system. If you select the 'Use Persian' option, then your entire system defaults to the Persian language. Mac OS X doesn't offer full support for Persian in all applications. If you want to continue to use your computer in English, select the 'Use English' button.
Click the 'Keyboard Preferences...' button and select the 'Persian' option from the sidebar. Check the keyboard layout preview. If you don't like the layout, click the '+' button and choose a different Persian keyboard layout from the list of options. When you make your selection, click the 'Add' button.
Select the option to 'Show Input Menu in Menu Bar' to make it easier to switch between keyboard layouts. When you want to switch between English, Persian and other languages, click the icon in the menu bar and select the desired language from the list.
Click the back arrow to return to the Language & Region window. Select the 'Advanced...' button. Set the formatting options for your computer. You can change the Format language for dates, times and numbers so that the computer uses Persian formatting conventions. You can also change the default currency and measurement units used by your computer. Click 'OK' to save your changes.
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