Monday, September 14, 2015

How to Restore Mac Leopard 10.5 Without the Disk

Call Apple at 1-800-275-2273 or visit your nearest Apple store to have your install disks replaced. Apple may charge you a fee, but you cannot restore your computer without them.
Insert your install disks into your computer and double click the 'Install Max OS X' icon. Follow the on-screen instructions. Choose the drive on which you would like to install the operating system.
Choose between archiving your old system or erasing your computer's entire hard drive. If you erase the drive, you will permanently lose all the information you had on your computer, including photos, documents and applications. Archiving it will save your old files on the hard drive.
Decide what kind of installation you wish to perform. Apple recommends that you choose the basic install package. However, you can do a custom install if you want certain software put onto your computer.
Once completed, your computer should be ready to go. Turn it on and start working. If you erased all of your old data you will have to reinstall your third-party applications back onto your computer. Make sure you have those disks available.
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