Showing posts with label levels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label levels. Show all posts

Thursday, September 3, 2015

How to Make Speakers Louder on a MacBook

Check the 'Output Volume' level on your computer in 'System Preferences' under 'Sound.'
Click on the 'Output' Tab and check the 'Balance' and 'Output Volume.' Check the box next to 'Show volume in menu bar' for a shortcut to the volume levels.
Check the volume level in iTunes. There is a volume slider located at the top of the application.
Check the sound properties of your individual multimedia applications for output volume levels.
Purchase a set of external speakers that plug into your MacBook via the headphone jack. This is your best bet and improves the sound quality tremendously depending on the brand of speakers bought. JBL Creature speakers are often recommended with Apple computers.
Purchase a set of headphones that plug into your MacBook via the headphone jack.
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