Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

How to Print Via Bluetooth With the iPad

Download a printing application from the App Store onto your iPad. Make sure the program you download is designed for Bluetooth connectivity.
Install the same application onto your computer. You need the application on both devices to allow for communication to the printer.
Launch the application on the computer and the iPad, and turn Bluetooth connectivity on for both devices.
Select the program you want to print from on the iPad printing program. If you have an email attachment to print, for example, select the 'Email' option, or to print a picture from an album, select the 'Photos' option.
Open the item to be printed and select the printer from the 'Item' menu. The printers connected to your computer will be usable via the Bluetooth connection.
Select 'Print' once you have chosen a printer drive.
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