Showing posts with label contents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contents. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

How to Access System Administrator on Apple OS X

Locate the Apple menu on your computer screen. Look for an apple-shaped image on the top left of your computer screen.
Click on the Apple menu so that it's menu contents become visible.
Highlight and click on 'Log Out.'
Allow your Apple computer to log your current account out of the system.
Select the Administrator account when prompted to log in again.
Enter the Administrator's password and log into your Apple computer with Administrator capability.
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Monday, October 12, 2015

How to Sort Playlists on iPad

Tap 'iPod' on your home screen to launch it. IPad will display a screen made up of a narrow navigation pane to the left and wide main screen to the right.
Tap to activate a specific playlist from among those listed in the sidebar. You will see it contents appear on the mane pane. Tap the 'Edit' button on the upper right.
Tap 'Add Songs' to include songs you may have missed the first time around, or tap the red 'minus' icon next to a song's name to delete it from the playlist. Stop when you believe you've finally got your content right.
Rearrange your songs to improve your playlist's flow. Press the three-bar 'Index' icon, or 'grip strip,' that appears to the right of a song title. Drag the song up or down the list to reposition it and release your hold when you get to the right spot. Do this for every song you would like to move.
Press 'Done' on the upper right once you are pleased with your new arrangement. Your new and improved playlist is now ready to play.
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Friday, September 18, 2015

How to Open Activity Monitor (5 Steps)

Open a new Finder window by clicking on the Finder icon in the Dock.
Click 'Applications' in the Finder window to view the contents of the Applications folder.
Double-click the 'Utilities' folder in the Applications window.
Double-click on the 'Activity Monitor' icon to launch the utility program.
Click on the tabs at the top of the Activity Monitor window to view different information and statistics concerning your computer's performance.
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Sunday, September 13, 2015

How to Erase Free Space on an iMac (5 Steps)

Quit all running programs and empty the Trash. To empty the Trash, right click on the 'Trash' icon in the Dock and select 'Empty.'
Click on the 'Applications' folder in the Dock or open a Finder window and click 'Applications' in the left pane under Places. Double click the 'Utilities' folder to access the contents of the folder. Double click the 'Disk Utility' icon to launch the application.
Select the iMac's internal hard drive by clicking on the 'Macintosh HD' icon in the left window. Click on the 'Erase' tab and click 'Erase Free Space.'
Choose to have zeros written over the free space once--seven times or 35 times--by clicking the radio button next to the option. Depending on the amount of free space on the hard drive, choosing the '7-pass' or '35-pass' option may take many hours to complete. Click 'Erase Free Space' to start the process.
Quit Disk Utility once the erase process is complete by hitting 'Command' and 'Q' on your keyboard or by choosing 'Quit' from the Disk Utility file menu.
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Thursday, September 3, 2015

How to Connect a PS3 Controller to a Mac Leopard

Open your Web browser. Navigate to a website where you can download the driver for Leopard (see Resources). Click on the download link. A '.dmg' file will be downloaded to the 'Downloads' folder. Click on this file to unpack its contents. Open the 'PS3install.pkg.'
Click on the 'Continue' button in the pop-up window until you are asked to agree to the terms and conditions. Agree to the conditions. Indicate the drive that you will be installing into. Click 'Continue.' Restart your system.
Connect the PS3 controller to the USB cord mini jack. Connect the USB end to the USB port on your Mac.
Hold the PS button on the center of the controller for about five seconds. This will register the device with the computer.
Open the game you would like to use the controller with.
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