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Showing posts with label visible. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

How to Access System Administrator on Apple OS X

Locate the Apple menu on your computer screen. Look for an apple-shaped image on the top left of your computer screen.
Click on the Apple menu so that it's menu contents become visible.
Highlight and click on 'Log Out.'
Allow your Apple computer to log your current account out of the system.
Select the Administrator account when prompted to log in again.
Enter the Administrator's password and log into your Apple computer with Administrator capability.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How to Play Chess on Mac OS Tiger

Click the 'Go' menu tab from the Finder.
Scroll to and click the 'Applications' menu option. This will bring up the list of common applications that are currently stored on your Mac.
Double click the 'Chess' icon to play chess. If the icon is not immediately visible then simply scroll up or down until it appears in the window.
Notice that by default the computer will start a game with the human playing as white and the computer playing as black.
Begin play simply by moving your pieces and progressing through the game until either you or the computer is victorious.
Click 'Game' followed by 'New Game' to change the current players or the difficulty. You can change the game from Computer vs. Human to Computer vs. Computer or Human vs. Human.
Take advantage of the Move menu. The Move menu offer you a chance to take back moves after the fact, as well as see the last move the computer performed.
Choose a variant form of chess when you start a new game. Crazyhouse, for example, allows you to replace pieces to the board that are duplicates of your opponents (if you capture an opponent's white rook, you will receive a black rook of your own, even if you already have 2 on the board).
Enable Speech in chess. With speech enabled (and a compatible microphone) you will be able to instruct the computer where and how to move your pieces without ever having to touch the keyboard.
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