Showing posts with label Sync. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sync. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to Use the Calendar on an iPod

Connect the iPod to the desktop computer using the USB sync cables. Open iTunes and start the synchronization process.
Sync your iPod up to your desktop computer. Depending on your operating system or individual settings, you may need to manually open up the programs that have calendars which you wish to sync up to the iPod.
Allow the syncing process to finish. Now, pull up the main menu on the iPod. You can do this by turning the iPod on or by clicking the center button twice. This will open the main menu, no matter where you were on the iPod.
Choose the 'Extras' option from the menu. Now, select 'Calendar' to view dates and calendars.
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Monday, September 21, 2015

How to Transfer From a PC to an iPad (9 Steps)

Connect the iPad to your computer via the provided Apple USB cable. Open iTunes.
Click 'iPad' under the Devices section. Click 'Photos.' Click the check box next to 'Sync Photos from:' and click the drop-down menu. Select 'Choose folder.'
Navigate to the main picture directory you wish to transfer from. Click the directory folder and click 'Select folder.' Your sub-folders will appear.
Click the circle next to 'Select folders' and choose one or more of the available sub-folders. Click 'Apply' and wait for iTunes to notify you that the transfer is complete before disconnecting your iPad.
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Friday, September 18, 2015

How to Put eBooks on an iPad (3 Steps)

Download an ebook file. Then visit the App Store and upload the iBook application onto your iPad, free of charge. Open up iTunes on your computer. Select 'File,' go to 'Add to Library' and import the ePub file. Sync the iPad to your computer and it should appear automatically. If it doesn't, manually check the name of the file in iTunes using the 'Books' tab.
Download an Amazon Kindle ebook. Visit the App Store and upload the Kindle app. You can use your computer or your iPad to buy a Kindle-formatted ebook from Make sure you're logged into your Amazon account, go to 'Manage My Kindle' and select the ebook you want to view on your iPad.
Download iTunes 10 and iBooks 1.1 on your computer. Then upload a PDF ebook to your iTunes library. Connect your iPad to your computer and sync the PDF to your iPad.
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