Showing posts with label Depending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Depending. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to Use the Calendar on an iPod

Connect the iPod to the desktop computer using the USB sync cables. Open iTunes and start the synchronization process.
Sync your iPod up to your desktop computer. Depending on your operating system or individual settings, you may need to manually open up the programs that have calendars which you wish to sync up to the iPod.
Allow the syncing process to finish. Now, pull up the main menu on the iPod. You can do this by turning the iPod on or by clicking the center button twice. This will open the main menu, no matter where you were on the iPod.
Choose the 'Extras' option from the menu. Now, select 'Calendar' to view dates and calendars.
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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How to Put Your iPad in the Case

Open the case. Depending on the case design, you may need to un-zipper the case or open a clasp.
Hold the case in one hand and the iPad firmly in your other hand.
Slide carefully the iPad into the case.
Close the case so that the iPad does not fall out.
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