Showing posts with label pop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pop. Show all posts

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Backing up a MacBook With Tiger (15 Steps)

Quit the Mail application if it's running, and then create a new empty folder on your MacBook's desktop. To do this, press 'Control' on your keyboard, click an open area on the desktop and click 'New Folder' on the pop-up menu that appears.
Launch the Finder application and choose 'Home' on the Go menu.
Click the 'Library' folder, and then click the 'Preferences' folder.
Press and hold the 'Option' key on your keyboard, and drag and drop the '' file into the desktop folder you created in Step 1.Holding down the Option key while dragging and dropping a file creates a duplicate of the file.
Close the Preferences folder, and then click the 'Mail' folder.
Press and hold the 'Option' key, and then drag and drop the 'MessageRules.plist' file into the folder you created in Step 1. Repeat this procedure for the 'SmartMailboxes.plist' and 'Signatures' files as well.
Choose 'Home' on the Go menu.
Click the 'Library' folder. Press and hold the 'Option' key, and drag and drop the 'Mail' file into the folder you created in Step 1.
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Saturday, October 3, 2015

How to Password Protect Apps On An iPad (5 Steps)

Select the 'Settings' icon from your home screen or the main menu. This is where you go for all general settings as well as settings for specific functions of the device. Settings for your mail, iPod, photo, video and Safari can all be accessed from this menu as well. For more information regarding specific settings, see the link in the Resources section.
Select 'General' followed by 'Restrictions.' You will see a list of apps pop up in your browser as well as a check box that says 'Enable Restrictions.'
Check the 'Enable Restrictions' box to activate the password prompt. You will see an icon pop up that says 'Set Passcode.' It will look familiar to the general password prompt that you see when you initially log on to your iPad.
Enter a four-digit password that will be easy for you to remember. Remember that this password will control access to specific apps and is a different password than the device code.
Select which apps you would like to apply the new password to. When you are done selecting the apps, press 'Done' to complete the process.
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