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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How to Increase Your Mac's Hard Drive Space

Copy important documents to an external drive or other backup source before deleting anything. This will ensure you can always restore deleted files if necessary.
Run a search for files larger than 100 MB (megabytes) in Finder by pressing Command-F and setting your parameters to match the image below. It's safe to delete large media files, but don't delete anything you're not sure about, especially files in the Library.
Open the Printers folder in the Library (Hard Drive>Library>Printers) and delete the folders for printers you don't use. These files can total around 4 gigabytes of wasted space. As before, only delete what you're sure you won't use.
Consolidate media libraries (photos, music, videos) onto an external drive to save even more space.
Manage duplicate songs in iTunes by selecting 'Show Duplicates' from the File menu. Erase duplicate files.
Ensure your Trash is empty. Open the Trash icon in the Dock, then press 'Empty' to fully delete files and save space.
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