Showing posts with label heat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heat. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to Clean a MacBook Pro Fan (4 Steps)

Turn off the MacBook Pro.
Angle the can's nozzle into the gap between the keyboard and monitor. This is where your computer's fans expel heat.
Begin blowing air into this space. Shift the nozzle's position and angle to the gap to ensure that air is blown throughout the entire computer.
Continue blowing air into the computer until no more visible dust can be seen. Turn on the MacBook to finish the cleaning process.
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Monday, September 21, 2015

How to Tell Whether Your Mac Fan Is Broken (3 Steps)

Hold your hand next to the heat vents. On a desktop model, the vents are on the back, near the top of the case. On a MacBook or MacBook Pro, the heat vents are on the bottom of the case, in the crease where the screen folds down. If you feel heat flowing out of the vents, your fan is blowing heat out.
Press your ear to your Mac's case. With either a MacBook or MacBook Pro, you should press it to the bottom of the case. If your fan is running, you hear a quite whirring in the case.
Feel the bottom of your case. During normal use, your Mac's case becomes very warm. If your fan is broken, the case becomes extremely hot.
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