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Thursday, September 10, 2015

How to Execute a File in a MacBook Terminal (5 Steps)

Open Terminal by going to the “Applications” folder, opening “Utilities” and double-clicking on 'Terminal.'
Identify the path for the file you want to run in Terminal. Locate the file in the Finder, highlight it and select “Get Info” from the “File” menu. The path is located under the “General” tab next to “Where.” That path is comprised of a series of folder names separated by a “/” sign. Highlight the path, go to the “Edit” menu and select “Copy.”
Switch to Terminal and type “open” with one space after it.
Paste the path in Terminal by going to the “Edit” menu and selecting “Paste.” The path you copied from the “Get Info” window does not include the actual file. After the last folder of the path, insert a “/” sign and type the exact name of the file or program. Include the file extension. If you are running a program, the extension will be “.app”.
Execute the file by pressing “Return.”
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