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Showing posts with label called. Show all posts

Monday, September 7, 2015

How to Split Screens on a Macbook

Examine the end of the monitor cable to see if it will fit in the min-DVI adapter on the MacBook. If it does not, you will need to attach an adapter to the cable.
Shut down the MacBook. Turn off the exterior monitor. Connect the monitor cable or adapter to the DVI port on the side of the MacBook.
Turn on the MacBook and the monitor. Wait for the monitor and the MacBook display to power up. The image on the monitor will be the same as the image on the MacBook display. This is called a mirrored display.
Click the 'Apple' menu at the top of the screen. Select 'System Preferences.' Select 'Displays' in the 'Hardware' section.
Click the 'Arrangement' tab. Both displays will be shown in the preview pane of the window. Deselect 'Mirror Displays' by clicking the check-marked box. This will put the displays into split-screen mode.
Drag the screens in the preview pane with the mouse to change their positions. For example, you can have the exterior monitor to the left or right of the MacBook display or above or below it.
Close the Display Preferences window to automatically save the display settings.
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Sunday, September 6, 2015

How to See Mobile Sites on a Macintosh Computer

Open the 'Safari' menu at the top of the window, and then click 'Preferences.'
Click the 'Advanced' tab.
Click the 'Show Develop menu in menu bar' check box. A new menu called 'Develop' appears at the top of the window. Close the 'Advanced' window.
Click 'Develop,' and then click 'User Agent.'
Click to change your browser's user agent to 'Mobile Safari 1.1.3 -- iPhone.' Note that the version number may differ depending on the version of Safari installed on your Mac.
Type the address of a website in the Safari address bar, and press 'Return.' Safari displays the mobile version of the website, if it has a mobile version available.
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