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Showing posts with label adjusts. Show all posts

Monday, September 7, 2015

How to Change the Settings on a Cydia Installer

Tap the 'Cydia' application on your iOS device's home screen. Allow it a minute to refresh the content.
Tap the 'Manage' tab along the bottom toolbar.
Select 'Settings' in the upper-left corner of the 'Manage' screen. Select the type of user you are. Cydia automatically adjusts the available in-store content based on your needs. Select 'User,' 'Hacker' or 'Developer.' Click 'Done.'
Tap 'Packages' to view all Cydia-installed applications. Tap on an application, then 'Modify.' Selecting 'Modify' allows you to remove or upgrade the application. Tap the back arrow in the upper-left corner to navigate back to the 'Manage' screen.
Tap 'Sources' to view a list of all installed application repositories. Tap 'Edit' in the upper-right corner of the screen to add or delete sources. Click 'Done' to save the changes.
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