Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts

Sunday, October 18, 2015

How to Apply Parental Controls on iPhone and iPod Touch

Turn on the iPhone or iPod touch and tap the 'Settings' icon on the home screen.
Select the 'General' option and then tap 'Restrictions.'
Press the 'Enable Restrictions' button. You are prompted to create and enter a 4-digit restrictions passcode twice. This is different from the passcode lock feature.
Configure the 'Allow' section first. Use the 'On/Off' sliders to the right of each listing to allow or disallow use of Safari, YouTube, Camera, FaceTime, iTunes, Ping, Installing Apps and Deleting Apps.
Select 'Location' in the 'Allow Changes' section where you can limit the mobile device's ability to report the child's location to applications. Tap 'Accounts' to stop or permit changes in Mail, Contact and Calendars.
Review the 'Allowed Content' section. Here you can turn In-App purchases on or off. You can allow or restrict explicit lyrics in music, control access to movies and television shows and limit apps to specific age groups. Additionally, you can restrict participation in the Game Center.
Press the 'Home' button under the display screen to return to the mobile device home screen. The restrictions remain in place until you turn them off in the 'Settings' menu.
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Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to Get HTML5 on an iPad

Connect to the Internet via your iPad's Wi-Fi connection, which will perform better for app downloads and HTML5 streaming than a 3G connection.
Tap the 'App Store' icon on your iPad. Enter the name of the video website or service you are trying to access. For example, Netflix, Hulu and YouTube use Flash video on their computer-based sites, but you can download apps for each of these services that use HTML5 or other iPad-compatible formats. The apps are free, but Netflix and Hulu Plus (Hulu's iPad and computer premium service) both require paid subscriptions to their services.
Tap the app's 'Free' button, then tap 'Install' and enter your iTunes password to download the HTML5-friendly version of these services onto your iPad.
Connect to the services through the app instead of your web browser to view HTML5 versions of the videos.
Search for 'SkyFire browser' in the App Store if you want to download a browser that can convert some Web-based Flash to HTML5 for your iPad. This browser costs a small one-time fee, but it can convert some Flash content to HTML5 so your iPad can view it. This does not work for all content, so you cannot use it for Flash-heavy gaming or the Hulu website, but it can help you view animations in HTML5. Download and install this browser, and then use it as your iPad's Web browser when you want to view content in HTML5.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

How to Unhide Apps iPhone Categories

Press the 'Home' button on your iPhone.
Tap the 'Settings' icon on the home screen.
Tap General.
Tap Restrictions.
Type the Restrictions passcode at the prompt. A list of apps and content categories appears.
Tap the On/Off option next to the name of an app that you want to unhide, such as the Safari Web browser, YouTube or the FaceTime video-conferencing app, to set it to 'on.' The app is now enabled, and its icon reappears on the iPhone's home screen.
Tap an item in the Allowed Content section if you want to unhide categories. For example, tap Music and Podcasts, and then tap the Explicit option to set it to 'on,' or tap Movies, and then tap the name of a rating to enable it. You can also tap Allow All Movies to enable and unhide all movie categories. Now when you browse and search for music in Apple's iTunes Store, you will be able to access material that falls under these categories.
Press the 'Home' button to return to the iPhone's home screen. Tap the 'iTunes' icon to access Apple's iTunes Store to browse and look for material that falls in the categories you have just unhidden.
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