Showing posts with label IMAP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMAP. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How to Customize Roundcube Webmail

Download the latest version of Roundcube from The Roundcube installation file is in the format of a tarball (.tar.gz) archive.
Make sure that your Web server meets the system requirements for installing Roundcube. You can use an Apache, Cherokee or Lighttpd Web server running at least PHP 5.2.1 with the IMAP extension installed. You should also have SMTP installed or the ability to use PHP as a mail server.
Install MySQL or PostgreSQL, depending on your preference, if a database engine is not already installed. Create a database for Roundcube usage. You can download MySQL from and PostgreSQL from
Install Roundcube. You can install it manually from the tarball archive file or automatically if your Web host offers the client as an option in your account's control panel.
Specify if you would like a drop-down menu of log-in options when you see the prompt to enter your IMAP host. For example: $rcmail_config['default_host'] = array('', '', 'ssl://') You can always change this option by modifying the file in the config folder of your installation.
Test the installation of Roundcube. If it was successful, you will be able to log in to the client via your browser.
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