Monday, October 19, 2015

How Do You Eject Your iPod From a Mac? (3 Steps)

Locate the iPod icon in the left-hand column of the iTunes window on your computer screen. To the right of the icon, you'll see a small circle with a triangle inside. This is the eject button. After all of music, video or photo files have finished transferring, click this button. An alternative is to look on your computer desktop for an iPod icon. Drag the icon over your recycle bin or trash can to eject the iPod.
Check the computer display and the screen of your iPod after you have clicked the eject button. After a few seconds, the iPod icon will disappear from iTunes' left-hand column, and your iPod will display 'OK to disconnect.'
Pull out the USB end of the white cable to disconnect from the computer. Squeeze both sides of the white cable's base before pulling it out of the iPod.
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