Monday, September 21, 2015

How to Hook Up a MacBook to a Larger Monitor (5 Steps)

Locate the mini-display port plug on the left side of the laptop, when looking at the keyboard. It's the third input from the right, or the first large plug from the right after the headphone inputs.
Plug the small mini-display port adapter into the plug on the side of the MacBook.
Plug the DVI cable from the Dell monitor into the DVI side of the adapter and tighten the screws.
Turn on the computer and the second monitor and allow it to boot up. Open up the System Preferences pane on the dock and click on the 'Display' icon on the second row, one column to the right. This will pull up the Display pane on both screens.
Choose the resolution that you want for your second monitor by clicking on the appropriate number. Then click on the 'Arrangement' menu option. Use the mouse to click and drag the monitors into the orientation that you want. For example, if you have your MacBook on the left and the second monitor on the right, then drag the second monitor to the right of the other using the mouse. This will allow you to drag your mouse from one side to the other without interrupting the flow. You can also align the two screens vertically so that the mouse tracks correctly.
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