Wednesday, September 9, 2015

How to Download Movies for Free on a Mac

Launch Apple's Safari web browser for the Macintosh and navigate to the Internet Media Archive webpage.
Click 'Moving Images.'
Scroll through the categories and select 'Movies.' Note that many other categories are also available to suit your interests, including 'Animation & Cartoons,' 'News & Public Affairs' and 'Sports Videos.'
Click 'Feature Films.'
Browse through the resulting categories, which include 'Comedy Films,' 'Film Noir,' 'Sci-Fi/Horror,' and many more. Click the one that most closely matches your current film-watching mood.
Choose a letter from A to Z under 'Browse By Title.' A list appears, containing all the available movies that begin with this letter. (For instance, to locate the classic horror movie 'Carnival of Souls,' choose 'C' under the 'Sci-Fi/Horror' category.)
Locate the film you want to watch, then click on its title. On the film's information page, you will see options to stream the film (i.e., watch it in your web browser) or download it to your computer. Generally a standard .MP4 version will be available (viewable with Apple's QuickTime player, which is most likely preinstalled on your system. If not, it can be downloaded from Apple's website). Alternately, Apple's iTunes media player software (also preinstalled on most Macs) will play .MP4 files as well. Depending on the film, other media formats may be available too, including versions for the iPod/iPhone.
Stream the movie. To start, click on the 'Play Video' link. To download the movie, press the CTRL button on your keyboard while clicking on the desired video link, then click 'Download Linked File' on the resulting pop-up menu.
Locate the file on your hard drive once the download has completed. Double-click it and enjoy the show.
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