Sunday, September 20, 2015

How to Change Flash Hardware Acceleration in OS X

Open your Web browser and navigate to the “Install Flash Player in 5 Easy Steps” website (see Resources). This page is a resource for Web users looking to download, install, upgrade, and test Flash Player. The page includes a small Flash applet for testing the functionality of your Flash install.
Scroll down to the “Verify if Flash Player is Installed” section. If your Flash Player is working correctly, you’ll see a small Flash Web component with a simple animation. You can disable hardware acceleration only if you have Flash installed and updated.
Open the Flash menu by holding the “Option” button and clicking the Flash Web component. Mac users with a trackpad may be able to open this menu by clicking with two fingers, depending on their trackpad settings. The Flash menu will be the same regardless of which Flash item you use to open it.
Select “Settings” from the list of available menu options. Click the small monitor icon to open the “Display” portion of the Settings menu and un-check the box next to “Enable hardware acceleration.” Click “Close” to save and apply changes. Refresh the Flash test page to see if your playback issues have been resolved.
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